Hometalk DIY Tutorials

March 26, 2018

Have you all heard of the website/Facebook page Hometalk?  I discovered it about a month or two ago and it is amazing!  It's basically like Pinterest but with all tutorials, videos, and pretty much everything DIY you can imagine.  They have categories like "build", "decorate", "celebrate", "paint", "clean", etc. so you can find exactly what you're looking for.  You can save things as "I want to try this" and you can also post questions for people to answer!

Here are some of the neat things that I stumbled across:

Beat Up Cabinet Turned Into A Wine Bar 

This is so cute!  You'll never look at that piece of old crappy furniture on the side of the road the same again!


4 Tips For Painting Cabinets

I don't ever have any desire to try and paint my cabinets myself (I'm more of a hire someone for that kind of project kinda gal), but a lot of people are into that sort of thing - ha!
4 tips for painting cabinets, how to, kitchen cabinets, painting cabinets


How To Clean The Microwave (Three Easy Ways)

Um yes please!  Microwaves can get so disgusting and are the worst things to try and clean!
how to clean the microwave three easy ways, appliances, cleaning tips


Space Saving Shoe Storage

This is great but I would need one like three times the size...
space saving shoe storage


So go check it out - I could be on this page for hours and hours just reading about projects that I want to do but will probably never do because, you know, life... haha!!

Happy DIY'ing!